“Success is going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

Failure sucks, right??

Is there anyone here who can say that he/she never ever failed at anything in their life?? Probably not! Failure is life’s ultimate lesson; you need to go unsuccessful to become successful in life.

Unfortunately, mostly every person who tries something new fails at the first attempt. Then the person loses hope in some case and starts getting negative vibes from his own. But is failure that bad as people especially that “The Society” makes it look? Actually no. Because if you don’t fail then you wouldn’t grow and what is the meaning of life without growth?

I fail at a hell lot of things, more than anyone can ever imagine. I fail at things like eating healthy to the things that matters the most in my life like failing in an exam that would decide my whole life! I let myself down, feel guilty and even try to hide my failure by a fake smile and a fake grade. But this is not what a person shall do if he/she fails. Instead, there are many other positive aspects to overcome your failure.

Here are the steps to follow to overcome a failure:

1]. Accept your failure:

Many people go down at the first step itself. If we can’t get something no matter the amount of hardwork and time given then we should accept that we have failed at a task instead of avoiding, ignoring or putting blame on someone else.

2]. Learn from it:

Failure is a part of our life. People say that we should forget the phase which we failed and just focus on the future. But forgetting won’t work. You need to sit down and analyze what went wrong, make a list how you can improve and learn from it.

3]. Stop fearing it:

Failure has a value in itself. Failing will happen no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so it is better to keep a “No Fear” attitude towards this and accept it. To reach the ultimate goal, push yourself, motivate yourself, go to the absolute limits and make the endless impossible possible for yourself.

4]. Ask for help:

Many people chose not to ask help from anyone else but at last it hurts themselves only because the let their ego win. Failure humbles you and makes you evaluate the situation where you went wrong therefore seek people and ask them for help, who knows you would come up with better ideas which will help you grow even more successful!

5]. Remind why it is important:

At last, remind yourself why did you start what you were doing and is it worth for you to leave the work in middle and achieve nothing. Remember the day you decided to do that task and made yourself a promise to complete that and ask yourself: have you made yourself proud? If the answer is no, then start working for that task again and make yourself proud.


No one is perfect, everyone has their guilty little secrets and their failures. But at the end how you overcome your failure and succeed is what matters the most.



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